CVHS began the process of 1:1 Learning in 2014.
All students in grades five through twelve are issued a Lenovo 13” laptop computer to use for the entire school year. We streamlined our distribution procedures this year and will be giving students their laptops during management teams on the first day of school. Students will need to submit an insurance fee of $40.00 in order to take their laptops off school property. The insurance fee is for accidental damage and subsequent repair costs not covered under the normal warranty. Student laptops will be collected at the end of the school year. Please review the key points below regarding 1:1 learning this year:
All students in grades five through twelve are issued a Lenovo 13” laptop computer to use for the entire school year. We streamlined our distribution procedures this year and will be giving students their laptops during management teams on the first day of school. Students will need to submit an insurance fee of $40.00 in order to take their laptops off school property. The insurance fee is for accidental damage and subsequent repair costs not covered under the normal warranty. Student laptops will be collected at the end of the school year. Please review the key points below regarding 1:1 learning this year:
Laptop Care Laptops are to be used for school related purposes both during and after school. Students are responsible for their own laptop, power cord and case and proper care must be exhibited at all times. Laptops must be properly stored and secured at all times. Lost, damaged, or stolen laptops and/or accessories should be reported to administration at once. NOTE: Theft is not covered under the insurance fee or warranty!
Collection Procedures Laptops and accessories will be collected from students at the conclusion of the school year during management teams.
School issued laptops provide each student with a powerful tool to improve learning, advance student achievement and strengthen real world skills. Our teachers continue to explore ways “anytime, anywhere” computing can enhance students’ school experiences and we look forward to our second year of 1:1 Learning at Conestoga Valley High School! Should you have further questions about student laptops, please contact the CVHS Main Office Distribution Procedures Again, distribution procedures have been streamlined for 2015-16. All students will receive their laptop in management teams on the first day of school. Students will need to sign a Laptop Assessment Form upon receipt of their laptop, power cord and case, and need only submit a valid parent email address to receive an email receipt of insurance fee payment. Insurance fees will be collected by management team teachers on the first day. Cash and checks are accepted. Checks should be made out to Conestoga Valley School District.
Technical Assistance Accidental damage and/or technical problems will be addressed by the CVHS Tech Team. Room 118 is the new Tech Team location where students may go to address laptop problems. A pass is required when visiting the Tech Team during class time.
Programs & Software Each student laptop is pre-loaded with district approved programs and software. No other programs may be installed on student laptops. FiltersEach student laptop includes Palo Alto web filtering software. NOTE: No filtering program can completely eliminate all inappropriate content. Parents are important partners with the school in promoting responsible and safe use of technology. Resources to assist parents can be found under Internet Safety in the Parent Portal. Reduced Insurance Fees Students who qualify for free and reduced meals are eligible for adjusted laptop insurance charges. Reduced meal participants pay a $20.00 insurance fee and the fee is waived for those who qualify for free school meals. Free & Reduced School Meal Applications for the 2014-15 school year will be due in October. Until that time, the meal status of students for the 2013-14 school year will be used to determine laptop insurance fees. Families that may require a payment plan for insurance fees should contact the Main Office directly. Students need to submit their insurance fee monies to management teams on the first day.